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My Exotic Journey Phyllis Hedegaard

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Phyllis Hedegaard was born in India to Anglo- Indian parents, her heritage being evident in her exotic and beautiful appearance.

Her childhood saw her spend time in an Orphanage High School near Bombay, before training at the Pitman School of Shorthand and Typing and ultimately entering the workforce. She became involved in the fashion industry where her exotic beauty ensured her work as a model. Two marriages to Danish men saw her spend time in Denmark before she settled in Far North Queensland.

She was a well known figure in Cairns, where she lived from 1971 onwards running the Thai Butik. An interest in Yoga led to her becoming a teacher for many years, which no doubt accounted for her continued statuesqe and stylish appearance right up to her death in 2010 at the age of 85. 207 pages, $25.00


Additional Info

  • Pages: 207
  • Illustrations: 30 photos
  • Size: b4
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